===== Tools ===== pyuarm provides some tools for developer. - list_uarms, you could filter the uArm Ports from system easily :: $python -m pyuarm.tools.list_uarms /dev/cu.usbserial-A600CRJU 1 ports found Here is the example use in code. It will return the first port scanned in your system. .. code-block:: python def get_uarm(): ports = uarm_ports() if len(ports) > 0: return UArm(port_name=ports[0]) else: return None - firmware, you could flash the firmware and download the latest firmware :: $python -m pyuarm.tools.firmware -d pyuarm - INFO - pyuarm version: pyuarm - INFO - writing to /Users/alex/uarm/assistant/firmware.hex, file size: 80486 bytes Downloading: [==================================================] 100.00% pyuarm - INFO - Flash Command: avrdude -patmega328p -carduino -P/dev/cu.usbserial-A600CRJU -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:/Users/alex/uarm/assistant/firmware.hex:i Flashing: [==================================================] 100.00% - calibrate, query calibrate information :: $python -m pyuarm.tools.calibrate pyuarm - INFO - pyuarm version: pyuarm - INFO - Connecting from port - /dev/cu.usbserial-A600CRJU... pyuarm - INFO - All Calibration: COMPLETED pyuarm - INFO - Linear Calibration: COMPLETED pyuarm - INFO - Manual Calibration: COMPLETED pyuarm - INFO - Servo 0 INTERCEPT: -29.7, SLOPE: 0.35, MANUAL: -20.84 pyuarm - INFO - Servo 1 INTERCEPT: -28.41, SLOPE: 0.34, MANUAL: 5.0 pyuarm - INFO - Servo 2 INTERCEPT: -30.68, SLOPE: 0.35, MANUAL: -11.0 pyuarm - INFO - Servo 3 INTERCEPT: -45.37, SLOPE: 0.51, MANUAL: 0.0 You could use this summary script ``uarmcli -h`` or ``python -m pyuarm.tools.scripts -h`` :: $python -m pyuarm.tools.scripts -h usage: scripts.py [-h] [-v] {miniterm,calibrate,list,firmware} ... positional arguments: {miniterm,calibrate,list,firmware} optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show program's version number and exit :: $python -m pyuarm.tools.scripts list /dev/cu.usbserial-A600CRJU 1 ports found :: python -m pyuarm.tools.scripts firmware -h usage: scripts.py firmware [-h] [-p PORT] [--path PATH] [--debug] [-d] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p PORT, --port PORT specify port number --path PATH firmware path --debug Turn on Debug Mode -d, --download download firmware online