=============================== Examples =============================== Usage ===== Initialize uArm --------------- There are two methods to Initialize uArm. - Use get_uarm() :: >>> import pyuarm >>> uarm = pyuarm.get_uarm() Firmware Version: 2.1.4 if no uArm connected, will return `None` and display "There is no uArm Port available" :: >>> import pyuarm >>> uarm = pyuarm.get_uarm() There is no uArm port available >>> print uarm None - Use uArm() :: >>> import pyuarm >>> uarm = pyuarm.UArm() Firmware Version: 2.1.4 If no uArm connected, will raise `UArmConnectException`. :: >>> uarm = pyuarm.UArm() pyuarm - INFO - pyuarm version: 2.1.1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/Users/alex/Worksapce/project/metal/python/pyuarm/pyuarm/uarm.py", line 35, in __init__ raise UArmConnectException(0, "No uArm ports is found.") pyuarm.util.UArmConnectException: 'Unable to connect uArm-No uArm ports is found.' You could turn on Debug Mode :: >>> uarm = pyuarm.UArm(debug=True) pyuarm - INFO - pyuarm version: 2.1.1 pyuarm - INFO - Connecting from port - /dev/cu.usbserial-A600CRE6... pyuarm - INFO - connected... pyuarm - DEBUG - Communication| [gVer] [SH2-2.1.4] pyuarm - INFO - Firmware Version: 2.1.4 Define the uArm port :: >>> uarm = pyuarm.UArm(port_name='/dev/cu.usbserial-A600CRE6') pyuarm - INFO - pyuarm version: 2.1.1 pyuarm - INFO - Connecting from port - /dev/cu.usbserial-A600CRE6... pyuarm - INFO - connected... pyuarm - INFO - Firmware Version: 2.1.4 Movement ~~~~~~~~ :: >>> uarm.set_position(150, 150, 150) #default speed is 300 mm/sec >>> uarm.set_position(150, 150, 150, 100) ### set position in 100 mm/sec Current Positions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: >>> uarm.get_position() # Get Current position [354.62, 0.0, 90.0] Pump control ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: >>> uarm.set_pump(True) ### Pump On >>> uarm.set_pump(False) ### Pump Off Others ~~~~~~ - List uArm Ports :: >>> from pyuarm.tools.list_uarms import uarm_ports >>> uarm_ports() ['/dev/cu.usbserial-A600CRE6']